Sunday, January 14, 2007

Young and Free

For those of you who were at Don's on Christmas Eve (and for others I may have mentioned this to) I received the copy of "Young And Free" via Amazon from a seller in Texas. This is a movie that was made in 1978 and co-stars a gentleman named Carrol McCall. It seems to me a very roundabout way to get a copy of this particular movie. That it took all these years is no one's fault. It is just the way life is sometimes.

If you are not sure who Carrol McCall is - well he is a man that I called Dad at one time in my life. When I called Carrol McCall "Dad" my real dad was "Jim Dad." Why? Beside the fact I was 5 years old when he came into my life I know it was because he truly was a Dad to me. He loved me and nurtured me. He did the things a Dad does for a son (how lucky was I to have two men doing such duties). And he did those things even though he was not my biological father. I was too young then to know but I surely know now he was a man to whom biology didn't matter.

I remember sitting on his knee and reading from the dictionary or encyclopedia. I remember him coaching my little league team. I remember going with him on house calls as his job as a plumber. I remember asking him once how anyone could do such a vile job. He answered "because someone has to do it." Such a simple answer but I'll never forget it.

I remember him taking care of his fish, or going through his penny collection with such care you'd of thought they were gold. And smoking his pipe. I've yet to find anything in life quite so exotic as the smell of that pipe.

I know for a fact he talked to Leland Smale & made it possible for a skinny little freshman to make the varsity baseball team at Boulder City High. You should've seen the way the uniform fit. And trying to hit Lewis Goudie's fastball. Man you had to've been there to know how scary it was.

And I remember visiting him when he was hospitalized in the City of Hope. And the strength and courage I saw when he was going through that. Who remembers any of this stuff? It all means so much to me but for some reason we don't talk much about it. All I know is that he was Dad to me at a time in my life when I needed that. Not that my own Dad didn't do that. Like I said before how lucky.

I know without a doubt that part of what I am today is because of this man. I am sad because I lost contact with him after he left Boulder City.

Anyway I have a copy of his movie. It is in VHS format and I am getting it transferred to DVD. Who would like a copy?

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Next official family get together

Rosheneda & I would like to invite one & all to our home for a get together. Would Saturday Feb 10th work for everyone? Feel free to post responses here. We are looking forward to it!

We love you all!

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Family Blogging!

Hi Everyone - we will keep in touch with each other easier now that we have our own family blogspot. Everyone can contribute, post pictures, tell of exciting events, accomplishments, upcoming family happenings and any other type of news you might want everyone to know about but were afraid to tell...because you didn't have a place to tell it!!:) So please use this and let everyone know how things are with your families...


Saturday, December 30, 2006

Welcome to the Family Blog!

Welcome, again. The whole intent here is to keep everyone up to date on what's happening with the Family.
Post upcoming events, what's new, etc.